Machine Learning (Lecture at FIC, UAI, Chile)

I've taught the course "ING559 - Métodos de Aprendizaje de Máquinas en Data Science" at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, UAI, Chile. This is a postgraduate course about the theory behind the most famous algorithms in the area of Machine Learning. Moreover, we present implementations of these algorithms and we use them over several case studies.

ING559 - Métodos de Aprendizaje de Máquinas en Data Science - Syllabus 2020

ING559 - Métodos de Aprendizaje de Máquinas en Data Science - Syllabus 2021

Foundations of Data Science (Lecture at FIC, UAI, Chile)

I've taught the course "TICS314 - Fundamentos de Data Science" at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, UAI, Chile. This is an undergraduate course that aims to be a gentle introduction to the world of Data Science. It covers topics such as: managing tabular data, data visualization, statistics for data scientists and machine learning algorithms.

TICS314 - Fundamentos de Ciencia de Datos - Syllabus 2021

Bootcamp Python & Databases (Lecture at FIC, UAI, Chile)

I've taught the course "TICS580 - Bootcamp Python & Bases de Datos" at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, UAI, Chile. This is a postgraduate course that teaches in two weeks the fundamental concepts of Python and the relational model (e.g. Relational Algebra, SQL, E/R, etc.).

TICS580 - Bootcamp Python & Bases de Datos - Syllabus 2021

Database Systems - (Lecture at PUC Chile)

I've taught four times the course "IIC2413 - Bases de Datos" at PUC Chile. This is an introductory course about DBMS that covers topics like SQL, relational algebra, relational model, indexes, ACID properties, some NoSQL among others. You can go to the Syllabus of the last version of the course for more info.

IIC2413 - Bases de Datos - Syllabus 2020

IIC2413 - Bases de Datos - Syllabus 2019

Graph Theory for Big Data

I thaught a course about Graph Theory in the context of Big Data. This course covers topics as graph algorithms (PageRank, Shortest Path, Triangle Counting, etc.), Graph Databases (Neo4J), Semantic Web, Apache Spark and GraphX. You can go to the Syllabus of the last version of the course for more info.

Graph Theory for Big Data - Syllabus 2019

Java for school students

I organised a course for school students between 14 and 18 years old where they could learn to program in Java. This course was a preparation for the "Olimpiadas Chilenas de Informática". You can go to the Syllabus of the last version of the course for more info.

OCI PUC - Syllabys 2018

Interdisciplinary courses

I thaught three courses about Data Journalism between 2017 and 2018. This courses were oriented to journalists who wanted to learn some introductory concepts about data managment, web scraping and data visualization. I also thaught an introductory course about web scraping for Political Science in 2019.


I've won three prizes because of my career as a Lecturer at PUC Chile:

  • Premio excelencia docente, mejor profesor Part-Time del Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación, PUC Chile 2017.
  • Premio al profesor más inspirador del Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación, PUC Chile 2019.
  • Premio al profesor con mayor comunicación con sus estudiantes, PUC Chile 2020.